• Europa League: Tromso – Partizan Belgrad

    Partizan Belgrad, o noua campioana a ultimilor cinci ani care traverseaza o perioada nu tocmai fasta. Adaugam la acest aspect faptul ca in Europa nu s-au descurcat prea bine si avem tabloul complet al clubului despre care, vorbeste lumea, ar fi favorizat de insusi presedintele federatiei sarbe de fotbal. Cu alte cuvinte, campionatul romanesc nu este singur in materie de matrapazlacuri, multe decizii indoielnice si situatii jenante presarand drumul catre titlul de campioana obtinut de Partizan. In ultimul sezon in Europa, Partizan s-a facut de ras in fata amatorilor de la Shamrock Rovers. Trebuie tinut cont totodata de jucatorii pe

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  • Eternal fight!

    Charger versus Challenger! The eternal flight! Both masterpieces made by Dodge. A lot of movies were made using this two icons. I remember Vanishing point (the link is from the original 1973 movie, so no Charger in it), and this movie, Death proof. About Vanishing Point from 1997, here’s the link with the fight (car chase). I already posted something about Tarantino’s movies, but this car chase is off the hook! This movie is not to be missed! Or else i got angry! If searched and not found, mail me from contact page, and you will get the download link

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  • First, some jokes

    So, after the Brutal Gamer, and yesterday, the fighting Săcelean told me to write down some FUBAR posts in english, i decided to post at least 3… And, without further bla bla (în Romania, it’s a word for that: lot of talk makes a man poor), some jokes. Women jokes Q: Why do women have periods? A: Because they fuckin’ deserve them. Q: What is loud and annoying? A: A woman. Q: How a woman can drown a fish? A: Pull it out of the water. – TRUE FACT! Q: Why is life like a penis? A: Women make it

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